Monday, October 02, 2006

Marking Time has decided to implode, by way of pants hosting services and missing Perl modules. Frustrating. Just when I wanted to revive the blog. I can't be bothered with my hosting solution any more - they take 10 days to respond to support tickets, their servers are riddled with viruses, they've lost ALL my files on two occasions, and have changed hands 4 times in 4 years, with worsening support standards. And fewer Perl modules supported. What more can I say? And then of course I really couldn't be bothered to upgrade my MT installation, and recreate my CSS files and generally muck around with things for weeks on end. Call me lazy, but I have more fun playing trucks with my son!

So I have reverted to trusty old Blogspot, until I can get my DNS jiggered to point to my husband's hosting solution - they are great, have brilliant support, and will save us £20 per year. Bonus. Meanwhile I will mark time here until I can publish to the new host.

Speaking of time, Jeremy Clarkson's tirade about fancy schmancy watches is highly amusing..


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